
Reference: History of Madagascar by region [RANDRIAMAMONJY Fréderic]

The name Madagascar is derived from the name of Madagassi / Malagassi said by the Antanosy (Malagasy Tribe of the South East), which became Malagasy for the whole population during the time of French colonization (1896 – 1960)
The oldest population was that of the highlands, known as Vazimba. There were also a little later the Betsileo, the Ankay of Bezanozano, the Kimosy of the extreme south and the Kitoto of the North-West region.
Being an island, many navigators and merchants had come across all the 5,000 km long coasts. There were also migrants and slaves.
Mainly, by the east coast, they came from Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Persia and Arabia) and by the west coast from Africa.
Migrations took place from the 5th to the 12th century AD and even later until the 16th century.
On August 10, 1500, Diégo Diaz’s boat was the first boat from Europe to arrive in Madagascar and since then there was a lot of traffic from these European boats.


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