
RELIGION (wikipedia)
Various religions coexist in Madagascar, with various modalities of syncretism. Traditional religion is practiced by 52% of the population, Christianity 41% (Catholicism and Protestantism), Islam 10 to 15%.

18 ethnic groups make up the population of Madagascar. They are: Antakarana, Antandroy, Antanosy, Antefasy, Antembahoka, Antemoro, Antesaka, Bara, Betsileo, Betsimisaraka, Bezanozano, Mahafaly, Merina, Sakalava, Sihanaka, Tanala, Tsimihety and Vezo.
The Merinas (25%) and the Betsileo (12%), inhabitants of the highlands are the most numerous.

A group of 11 closely related dialects spoken by 18 ethnic groups. The administrative unit established the Malagasy of the plateau (mérinas in the capital) as “official Malagasy and national Lanhue”.

French is the second official language, spoken by approximately 26.5% of Malagasy people.
English is spoken by few groups of people with low and medium level of profeciency. Professionals, bureaucrats, people who work in the tourism sector, or members of the elite and the few young people in language groups speak it.
Even less, German, Spanish, Mandarin and many others are very little present.

Literacy rate: 2018, 72.38%

In 2016, the primary school completion rate was almost 70% for girls and 65.4% for boys.
In 2018, the net secondary school enrollment rate reached 29.8%


Professional Employer Organization (PEO)

As a co-employer Team-Mada provides real engagement for your business. Our PEO services will allow you to outsource important HR functions. We take

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Employer of Record (EOR)

Team-Mada is the legal employer of your workers and handle all aspects of compliance from the onboarding to the termination. Handling the employmen

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Payroll Services Madagascar

Process Payroll Calculations, payroll tax statements, Monthly, Quarterely, Yearly taxes, Employee and Employer contributions, handling of deposits

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